62 research outputs found


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    Abstract_ This study basically aims to examine the vulnerability of the elderly when they are using the space in their home within a high densely settlement. Due to the high density of the urban settlement, the condition of the elderly living unit that located in the middle of settlement area is questioned. Under the condition of lack of space, actually two questions are appeared. First question is “how do the elderly residents use the space for their daily life?”. Moreover, the second question is about “is the room as well the home environment good enough for supporting the elderly daily activities and maintaining their health?” These questions are actually directing to necessary of examining the vulnerability the elderly in their own home. This study was carried out through conducting field observation and doing the individual interview in two neighborhoods located at the city center of Yogyakarta City. By interviewing the elderly residents this study identified the room or spaces that most frequently used the senior residents during their lives inside their own home. The identification then proceeds in to the assessment of the space condition especially related to the natural lighting and ventilation. This study found that in urban settlement with high density and aging population, there was subtle vulnerability existed in the spaces within the elderly’s home that most frequently used. This vulnerability was sourced at the conditions of natural lighting and fresh air ventilation that performed by the home environment properties. These physical aspects of the space considered significant since the resident houses were in very limited urban spaces. Although the vulnerability is subtle or slight, this condition indicates that the elderly residents’ health is really threatened.Keywords: Elderly; Home Environment; High Densely Settlement; Use of Space; Vulnerability

    Livabilitas Ruang Publik di Kawasan Jakabaring Sport City

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    Jakabaring Sport City (JSC) adalah sebuah kawasan baru yang di desain menjadi pusat kegiatan wisata dan olah raga di Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Keberadaan JSC menjadi magnet bagi penyelenggara even-even olahraga berskala nasional maupun internasional serta memberi dampak yang sangat besar bagi Kota Palembang. Salah satu masalah yang ditemukan adalah minimnya aktivitas di kawasan saat tidak adanya even olah raga di kawasan. Faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat livabilitas adalah kenyamanan, aksesibilitas, fungsi dan aktivitas, sosiabilitas, ekonomi dan perawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat livabilitas ruang publik di kawasan Jakabaring Sport City. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa livabilitas ruang publik dalam keadaaan buruk dengan nilai skor penilaian 2,89. Faktor yang sangat berpengaruh pada buruknya penilaian livabilitas adalah aksesibilitas dengan rata-rata penilaian 2,79. Penilaian buruk ini dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung kenyamanan aksesibilitas di dalam kawasan dalam keadaan buruk. Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi buruknya penilaian livabilitas adalah kondisi pedagang kaki lima yang tidak tertata dan buruknya perawatan fasilitas publik di kawasan. Aktivitas dan fasilitas pedagang kaki lima di kawasan berpengaruh buruk pada kenyamanan visual dengan penilaian 2,76. Pengamatan lapangan juga menemukan bahwa kondisi fasilitas dan utilitas tidak terawat dan tidak nyaman digunakan sehingga juga mempengaruhi buruknya penilaian pada faktor perawatan dan utilitas. Secara akumulatif kondisi tersebut berpengaruh pada buruk nilai livabilitas ruang public di Kawasan JSC

    Application of Adaptive Structure based on Natural Inspiration on Biomimicry Architecture

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    Today the advancement of technology and human science has developed rapidly. These developments give a number of technological innovations that were used to solve and facilitate human life. One of the advances in technological innovation is the development of buildings that are designed and established using modern technology. However, the development of these advances, especially man-made buildings, on the contrary, also have a lot of adverse effects on the environment in which humans live. These adverse impacts cause environmental degradation to result in the extinction of a number of natural species around human habitation. These problems are mostly sourced from people who lack environmental awareness. A number of experts to scientists, especially those in charge of development problems, began to look for ways to reduce these adverse impacts. One way that is done especially by architects is to study the process of natural adaptation with its environment which is included in the Biomimicry Architecture. The adaptation process carried out by nature is reflected in how forms, processes and systems that nature uses to respond to its environment. The inspiration was then applied by the architect into the building. Architects in terms of building design must pay attention to three important aspects that exist in the building design process, namely aesthetics, function and strength. However, the aspect of power design in the discussion of biomimicry architecture has a smaller portion than aesthetics and function. While the need for building strength innovations in this regard is very necessary in the building structure against the background of the lack of innovative and environmentally friendly structural design aspects. Based on this problem, this study then used content analysis method with qualitative inductive type. The study was conducted by analyzing written information data that discussed the case of selected buildings, namely The Eden Project Building, The Gherkin Tower and The Eastgate Center. The results of the research are descriptive explanations related to how the adaptive principles applied by the architect into the building use natural inspiration. The benefits of this research are expected to provide an illustration for architects to design buildings that are adaptive to the environment, especially from structural systems and can expand the science of Biomimicry Architecture

    The Development of the Dutch Colonial Settlement in the City of Yogyakarta after the Implementation of the Decentralisatie Wet Policy (1903-1942)

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    Decentralization wet or the law on decentralization of development was one of the policies that had a significant effect on the development of Indonesia during the Dutch colonial period, including residential areas for Europeans. This study tries to reveal the pattern of development of Dutch colonial settlements in the city of Yogyakarta by using interpretative historical research methods on cartographic, architectural, and textual archival data that are relevant to the research theme. Based on the results of the analysis conducted by the researcher, it is known that the growth of the Dutch colonial settlement area in the city of Yogyakarta after the application of decentralization wet began with the emergence of residential areas supporting rail transportation facilities and followed by residential areas supporting public facilities. Furthermore, when transportation and public facilities are established, this will trigger the further growth of the Dutch colonial settlement area. From the results of the research, it is also known that there are three types of Dutch colonial settlements in the city of Yogyakarta based on the pattern used. The three types are open and semi-open settlement types which are intended for most Europeans, as well as closed settlement types which are intended for amtenaar (civil servants). The panel also found that the existence of an open space in the form of a garden or other function in the middle of the Dutch colonial settlement area was one of the factors that caused this area to be felt to have a higher and more luxurious degree compared to other residential areas because it could better guarantee the existence of better air circulation. better so that the houses around it are more comfortable to be lived

    Co-citation Analysis on Popular References Regarding Cross-Border Tourism

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    Cross-border tourism (CBT) is a new discourse that attracts the attention of researchers from various scientific fields. Along with the development of CBT research, it is necessary to map and trace references related to CBT so that it becomes a reference in research. To that end, using bibliometric analysis by analyzing 334 articles, the study aimed to answer the question; Who is the most influential author in the CBT study? What are the most cited references in studies on CBT? In the Scopus database, what are the most cited journals? Specifically, the study used co-citation analysis to map important references, as well as journals that have a broad influence on CBT topics. Data visualization in this study used VOSViewers as well as content analysis of several related documents. The results of the study showed that the most widely used reference in publications related to CBT is D. J. Timothy's book. The study also emphasizes that Timothy is the most popular author in the discourse on CBT. In addition, in CBT publications, the most influential journal is Tourism Management. This study has implications for researchers who want to conduct studies on CBT in determining references and determining destination journals. &nbsp

    Lanskap Pekarangan Produktif di Permukiman Perkotaan dalam Mewujudkan Lingkungan Binaan Berkelanjutan

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    Pemanfaatan pekarangan rumah merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari permukimaan perkotaan. Pekarangan merupakan kearifan lokal dan menjadi bagian dari budaya bangsa Indonesia. Fungsi ekosistem pekarangan sangat mendukung terwujudnya konsep arsitektur berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan pengamatan, keterbatasan ruang di perkotaan menyebabkan pemanfaatan pekarangan tidak optimal, lebih mengarah kepada fungsi estetika dan tidak produktif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui potensi pekarangan di permukiman perkotaan, dari aspek luas, penggunaan ruang dan pemilihan vegetasi. Penelitian dilakukan ke permukiman padat perkotaan di Kelurahan Rejowinangun Kecamatan Kotagede Yogyakarta. Pada 83 sampel rumah dari dua RT terpilih, diketahui luas kavling minimal 28m2 hingga 1650 m2 dengan tanpa pekarangan hingga 1100 m2luas pekarangan. Posisi ruang sekitar rumah untuk pekarangan menentukan tangkapan cahaya matahari yang dibutuhkan untuk fotosintesis tanaman. Sekitar 49,4% pekarangan di studi kasus permukiman perkotaan dapat menangkap cahaya matahari tidak penuh dan 39,8% pekarangan dapat menangkap cahaya matahari penuh. Jenis tanaman sebagian besar adalah tanaman hias dan tidak produktif. Keterbatasan lahan mendasari rancangan penanaman vertikal, penggunaan pot, dan tanaman merambat dengan pergola. Pemilihan vegetasi yang dapat dikonsumsi (edible plants) terutama keragaman tanaman buah, sayuran dan tanaman obat menjadi prioritas di pekarangan perkotaan. Metode rancangan dan aplikasi pemanfaatan pekarangan cukup efektif dengan metode partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses desain pekarangan produktif

    Pemanfaatan Ruang Terbatas Sekitar Rumah di Permukiman Perkotaan melalui Pengembangan Lanskap Produktif

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    Perkotaan dikenal dengan masalah keterbatasan ruang. Jumlah penduduk yang tinggi tidak pernah lepas dari kebutuhan Perumahan di kota. Tingkat kepadatan rumah dalam suatu permukiman diikuti dengan keterbatasan ruang sekitar rumah yang dimanfaatkan dan diberdayakan untuk pekarangan. Keberadaan pemilik rumah juga akan menentukan bentuk pemanfaatan pekarangan sebagai bagian dari aksi wujud lingkungan binaan di permukiman perkotaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui aksi masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan pekarangan sempit di permukiman perkotaan. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan sampel secara sensus di satu klaster (RT) permukiman padat Kelurahan Rejowinangun Kecamatan Kotagede Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 40 penghuni di RT 24, umumnya (97,5%) masyarakat memiliki waktu terbatas, sekitar 1-2 jam per hari, untuk mengelola pekarangan, baik untuk merencana, menanam, dan memelihara. Hal ini disebabkan umumnya penghuni memiliki pekerjaan tetap setiap hari dari pagi sampai sore/malam. Jenis tanaman yang ada bervariasi diantaranya pohon buah seperti nangka, mangga, asem), tanaman rempah dan obat (jahe, Laos, sirih), sayuran (sawi, cabe, bayam) dan tanaman hias (aglonema, anthurium, mawar). Sekitar 30,79% kondisi tanaman tumbuh tidak optimal (layu dan bercak kuning), hal ini karena kurang cahaya, dan jenis yang ditanam umumnya memerlukan cahaya dan pemeliharaan intensif. Ruang sempit dalam permukiman padat menyebabkan tangkapan cahaya untuk pekarangan sangat terbatas, sehingga diperlukan perencanaan pemilihan tanaman yang tahan naungan dan tanaman yang memerlukan pemeliharaan minimal. Alternatif pengembangan pekarangan produktif dengan “tanaman hortikultura dalam pot (tahorlampot)” perlu dipertimbangkan dengan modifikasi desain yang memudahkan pemeliharan dan tangkapan cahaya optimal


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    Abstract: This Study aims to understand the level of interest of public space element based on user perception who are categorized by visitor and traders in complex of north alun-alun surakarta. The study was conducted with a questionnaire of 100 visitors and 33 traders from the average population in the field divided into 4 segments to find out more in detail. Questionnaire data were analyzed with Multidimensional Scaling in SPSS to determine the ranking of the interests of 21 elements of public open space. Findings with double scaling according to visitors' perceptions that Pedestrian (Rank 1), Parking (rank 2) and Vegetation (Rank 3) while according to Pedestrian traders (rank 1), Places to Eat and drink (rank 2), Kiosk (Rank 3). In conclusion, the Pedestrian became the most important element in the public open space in Surakarta's northern plaza complex. The influence of the level of importance of elements of public open space varies depending on the settings and character of the open space itself.Keyword: Perception, Public Open Space, Multidimensionl ScalingAbstrak: Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepentingan elemen ruang terbuka publik bedasarkan persepsi pengguna yang dikategorikan pengunjung dan pedagang di komplek alun-alun utara Surakarta. Studi dilakukan dengan kuisioner sejumlah 100 pengunjung dan 33 pedagang dari populasi rata-rata di lapangan yang di bagi 4 segmen untuk mengetahui lebih detail. Data kuisioner dianalisa dengan Multidimensional Scaling pada SPSS untuk mengetahui peringkat kepentingan dari 21 elemen ruang terbuka publik. Hasil Temuan dengan penskalaan ganda menurut persepsi pengunjung bahwa Pedestrian (Peringkat 1), Parkir (peringkat 2) dan Vegetasi (Peringkat3) sedangkan menurut pedagang Pedestrian (peringkat1), Tempat Makan/minum (peringkat2), Kios (Peringkat3). Kesimpulanya Pedestrian menjadi elemen yang paling penting di ruang terbuka publik di komplek alun-alun utara Surakarta. Pengaruh tingkat kepentingan elemen dari ruang terbuka publik berbeda-beda tergantung seting dan karakter dari ruang terbuka itu sendiri.Kata Kunci: Persepsi, Ruang terbuka publik, Multidimensional Scalin

    Urban Heritage Towards Creative-based Tourism in the Urban Settlement of Kauman - Surakarta

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    AbstractUrban heritage is one of the manifestations in architectural value; serving a tight sustainability in the past, present, and future era. Nowadays, the existence of urban heritage tourism with having unique value and local wisdom potential has not been handled optimally. Moreover, the main functions have changed permanently for creative urbanism. The aim of this research focuses on the spatial of urban heritage and the creative economic that involve an active local community toward creative-based tourism. It is based on explorative descriptive method combined with the mapping spatial of a unique and local wisdom, including potential physical characteristic. The research location is the Kauman urban settlement; having a valuable unique and original local wisdom potential, and also its activities which still exist. The result of the research, in spatial macro, shows that the existence layout of the Kauman urban settlement has not been handled optimally. Moreover, it tends to lose its characteristics because it is not protected. In addition, the spatial micro shows that many historical buildings have changed its form, façade, interior, and function. The tendency can be seen from the buildings which are commercialized as batik showrooms, home-stays, shops, and restaurants

    Kajian Sistem Aktivitas pada Ruang Terbuka Publik Tepi Pantai Baron, Gunungkidul

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    Baron Beach is a public space that becomes an icon of Gunungkidul Regency. The conditions of a waterfront that have a river and surrounded by hills also the presence of fishing activities attract visitors. Various kinds of activities that occur in this public open space at the same time with different interests, can cause conflicts between activities even though there are also activities that are in line with each other. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method that compares data to utilized public open space during the research period with existing theories. As the unit of analysis are actors who use public open space and the physical conditions of open space. The purpose of this research is to identify activity patterns in utilizing public open space, so that they can be taken into consideration in planning and designing the Public Open Space of Baron Waterfront
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